Arthur Rank Charity Private View

The private view will feature over 40 pieces of original artwork that will be available to purchase from artists from across the UK and Europe. The show will feature many of Byard’s regular favourite artists many of whom are producing new work expecially for the show.

During the evening there will be a raffle, a speaker on collecting orignal art and the vital work of the Arthur Rank Hospice.

20% of any sales made during the evening and all of the money raised via the charity raffle will be donated to the Arthur Rank Hospice’s £10.5 million new hospice appeal.

If you are interested in coming along please email the gallery on info@ with your name and any guests you will be bringing.

Please come along and support this great cause.


Nestled in the heart of Cambridge, Byard Art stands as a conduit for art enthusiasts

At its core, an art exhibition is all about presenting a collection of artwork to the public. It’s about giving artists an opportunity to share their vision and ideas with others, and for viewers to engage with and appreciate the art on display.

Experience the heartwarming beauty of nature this spring at Byard’s exhibition. Our talented artists transport

When it comes to displaying artwork, framing is an essential aspect that should not be overlooked. Proper art picture framing can elevate the impact of your artwork, enhancing its visual appeal and protective qualities.

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